Complete (J-Drama) Aozora no Tamago
Title: 青空の卵
Title (romaji): Aozora no Tamago
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Suspense
Episodes: 9
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Broadcast period: 2012, July 28 to 2012, September 22
The story revolves around computer programmer Torii Shinichi, who’s also a self-appointed hikikomori, and his friend Sakaki Tsukasa, who’s a life insurance company employee. Solving all sorts of mysterious incidents that arise around them, they mature throughout the encounters with various people.
Shintaro Akutsu as Torii Shinichi
Masahiro Inoue as Sakaki Tsukasa
Kyosuke Harukawa as Takimoto Kouji
Shogo Suzuki as Gomiya
Mei Kurokawa
Ryo Hirano
Jun Shison
Yoshihide Sasaki as Satou Takayuki
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